Palmer Civil Construction was awarded Package 16 of the WANDRRA 2017 works, by the Shire of Ravensthorpe.
The works will be undertaken on Elverdton Rd, Horner Rd, Jerdacuttup Rd, Mason Bay Rd, Maydon Rd and Tamarine Rd.
The scope of works include;
- Reinstatement of side and outfall drains to the existing lines and levels;
- Shoulder repairs, including subgrade compaction, basecourse placement and compaction;
- Pavement repairs, including reworking subgrade and supply and placement of basecourse material;
- Gravel resheet, including supply, placement and compaction of the gravel;
- Road reconstruction; where warranted to include all above from back-slope to back-slope
- Headwall repairs, including reinstatement to their original location, repairing open joints with mortar and reinstatement to the culvert inlet / outfall areas; and
- Clearing of culverts, including removing any debris/silt and flushing silt from the culverts, including culvert inlet / outfall areas.